Coaching & Sparring

Room for Reflection

Dr. Christine Kohistani (Teaching and Seniorcoach) & Dr. Sardar M. Kohistani (Coach)

In our coaching sessions, we follow the guidelines of the German Coaching Association (DGfC) and the quality management standards of Round Table Coaching (RTC).

Round Table Coaching Zertifizierung

Leadership Coaching

Sustainable leadership requires trust, appreciation and appropriate communication. Leaders are first and foremost convincing through their personalities and the example they set.

The challenge is to provide direction within the organisational system without losing direction yourself.

Leadership coaching is a professional sparring session to ensure that we do not lose sight of the clarity of individual leadership roles.

Conflict Coaching

Conflict coaching refers to professional assistance in the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts.

An important goal of conflict coaching is to keep the relevant conflict in a form that is acceptable to all parties involved.

Team Coaching

Team coaching creates a framework in which teams can reflect on their development processes in order to develop new or modified ways of collaboration.

Peer Coaching

Wherever people work together, they consult with each other: They share ideas and knowledge, solve problems and develop strategies.

Often, the shared learning and the acquired knowledge remain hidden. Peer coaching creates a formal and methodical framework that makes shared learning transparent.

Teaching Coaching

A Teaching Coach provides support in training programmes to become a (Teaching/Master/Senior) Coach from the German Association for Coaching (DGfC). A teaching coach takes on the role of an accompanying coach, sharing experiences and supporting individual development processes.

Before we start – the introductory meeting

The free and open introductory meeting is designed to facilitate a first meeting before deciding on your teaching coach. Both parties will then decide if we want to start the teaching coaching journey together. We may also decide that a different Teaching Coach is more suitable.

Coaching spaces between indoor, outdoor and virtual hybridity

Our office is located in the south of Düsseldorf, in the Unterbacher Sandhof. Here we have the opportunity to work on coaching topics in the sheltered coaching room or in connection with the surrounding nature reserve or to go for a walk. Sometimes online-supported meetings are also useful when the opportunities to be present are limited. We are happy to support you in expanding your individual coaching repertoire with a variety of methodological approaches.

Teaching coaching in groups for prospective Master/Senior Coaches

As part of the Master/Senior Coach training programme, you have the opportunity to take part in group teaching coaching sessions. Please contact us for more information.


Contents of teaching coaching according to the DGfC guidelines

  • Creating space for reflection on the role as a teaching coach
  • Support in the (further) development of the role as a coach – in relation to the task/person/context etc.
  • Supporting the differentiation of the coach role from other (professional) roles
  • Supporting the coaching practice of the teaching coach
  • Offering, implementing and reflecting on methods and making their use tangible and justifying them to the teaching coach
  • Supporting the development of the teaching coach’s profile and concept
  • Support in the preparation of the final thesis



Coaching Workshop

Anyone who decides to go into development and peace work faces additional challenges – a different culture, international teams, security measures that restrict your freedom, confrontation with poverty and suffering.

We have been involved in academic development cooperation in Afghanistan since 2005 and know from our own experience that this work poses particular challenges for everyone involved.

Professional reflection creates space for individual questions. We are at your side with our experience and coaching expertise.

Coaching opens up diverse perspectives, creates access to knowledge and expertise, supports change processes and promotes greater security in working together.

Our coaching supports the development of reflection and action skills to meet the challenges of culturally diverse work systems such as teams, groups, leadership and collaboration.

We use systemic, culturally reflective methods to open up spaces for reflection and support learning and development processes.

Systemic and culturally reflective

We organise our coaching as a safe space for reflection so that you can focus on your issues. We use systemic, culturally reflective coaching as a solution- and goal-oriented form of counselling, taking into account professional contexts, roles, functions and tasks.

We work in a resource-orientated manner and focus on providing you with the tools you need to face future challenges in a strengthened and appropriate manner.

Coaching supports in remaining capable of acting in a self-learning manner and to clarify responsibilities.

Collegial feedback

Collegial feedback is valuable and supportive when it opens up new perspectives and opportunities for action or sharpens the focus on possible blockages.

Teaching coaching, peer coaching or collegial case counselling are counselling formats that enable mutual collegial feedback on a professional level.

Support helps to ensure the quality of the feedback from colleagues and to keep an eye on mutual feedback.

We combine analogue coaching with digital impulses – ask about our blended coaching sessions!

What our coachees say

Monika Weber

Architektin, Weber Leitsysteme

„Du hast mich mit Deiner Beratung und dem Coaching die ganzen Jahre auf dem Weg begleitet. Das hat jetzt Früchte getragen. Danke für alles.“

Judith Marie Siebert

TU Dresden

“Fast zwei Jahre lang hat Christine Kohistani mich sowohl in Peer-Gruppen-Workshops als auch im 1:1 Coaching begleitet. Sie ist breit aufgestellt und überzeugt mit ihrem Fachwissen und ihrer Kompetenz. In den Gruppenworkshops stellt sie sich individuell auf unterschiedliche Charaktere ein, was für eine angenehme und produktive Arbeitsatmosphäre sorgt. Im 1:1 Coaching geht sie immer auf die Ziele und Wünsche der zu coachenden Person ein. Gerne empfehle ich SAMIN.WORLD weiter.”